
Palm Beach County Classroom Teachers Association

The mission of the Palm Beach County Classroom Teachers Association is to obtain, advance, and protect the professional, economic, human and civil rights of members, advance professional standards, and act as a catalyst for quality public education.

The Palm Beach County Classroom Teachers Association is a professional members’ service organization committed to the empowerment of teachers and to the advancement of quality public education.

• Increase membership by recruiting, retaining and supporting teachers

• Improve communications with and involvement of teachers

• Maximize political power and influence

• CTA has five full time Labor Relations Consultants who represent members at all work-site hearings, all grievances, and all meetings with district administrators.

• The services of 25 Educational and Labor Employment Attorneys at the local and state level with years of experience dealing with school personnel and problems that might develop.

• Legal Services for members of CTA: employment related disputes, $1,000,000 liability policy, advice and legal representation by lawyers trained in education and labor law.

• CTA has 50 criminal lawyers ready to defend its members. Each member has $40,000 in attorney fees for defense of criminal employment-related charges.

• Access to state and national attorney referral program

• CTA offers workshops to help you become a fully certified teacher. Free workshops for members are offered: How to Pass the General Knowledge Test, the Florida Teaching Certification Exam, and the Elementary Certification Test. Each workshop is FREE to members but is available to non-members at varying costs.

• CTA offers teachers help to become more successful. Free workshops for members are offered: How to Have a Successful Evaluation, Good Classroom Management Strategies, Behavior Management, Teacher Rights and Responsibilities, Effective Planning and Grading, IDEA Update, and Know Your Contract. Each workshop is FREE to members but is available to non-members for varying costs.

• Training is offered to make you a more valuable teacher like: Marzano Evaluation training, EBC training, Professional Development training, and PGP training.

• CTA offers assistance to teachers who request help. The PAR panels are peer teachers who assist teachers to become better teachers.